Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Cancelling Campaigns

You can cancel a Campaign while it is running. When you cancel a campaign, track polling and event processing are also stopped.

Cancelling a campaign results in the tactic processing for that campaign being terminated after the current batch of recipients has been submitted. File output tactics will retain the partially generated file in the staging area. Email tactics will send a request to abort the deployment.

In both cases the tactic output table will be truncated to contain only the recipients that were processed before the cancellation occurred, so that only these records will be added to history.


  1. Search for the relevant campaign.
  2. From the Overview tab click the Cancel button:


The Campaign Status is set to Cancelled. You cannot start campaigns that have been cancelled.

When a campaign is cancelled, the Remove State button then becomes available (providing history has been run for that campaign and state tables have been created).

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